Section: Protocol Families (4F)
Updated: September 22, 1993
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sendq/q* - FlexFAX facsimile transmission job description  


Files in the sendq directory specify facsimile transmission job requests. These files are usually created by faxd.recv(1M), when submitting a job on behalf of sendfax(1).

Job description files are ASCII files with lines of the form

      tag: value

where a tag is one of the identifiers described below and a value is either a string or number. If a line begins with the ``#'' character, it is ignored. String values start at the first non-blank character after the ``:'' and continue to the end of the line. Numeric values are either decimal integers or floating point numbers.

The following table lists the possible tags and the required type of the associated value.

Tag           Type       Description
dirnum        integer    directory offset of current page being sent
jobtag        string     user-specified job identifier
killtime      integer    time to give up trying to send facsimile
mailaddr      string     email address of sender
maxdials      integer    max number of times to dial
modem         string     outgoing modem to use
notify        string     email notification specification
npages        integer    number of pages transmitted
ntries        integer    number of attempts to send current page
ndials        integer    number of consecutive failed attempts to place call
number        string     dialstring to use in placing call
external      string     external form of dialstring
pagehandling  string     page analysis information
pagelength    float      facsimile page length (millimeters)
pagewidth     integer    facsimile page width (millimeters)
poll          string     polling request
postscript    string     postscript document specification
resolution    float      vertical resolution of facsimile
sender        string     identity of sender
sendjob       string     at(1) job identifier for delayed send job
status        string     job status
tiff          string     TIFF document specification
totdials      integer    total number of phone calls
tts           integer    time to send facsimile


The directory offset (starting at 0) of the current page to be sent.
The external form of the dialstring. This string is used instead of the dialstring in any status and log messages. Clients can protect private information such as access codes that must be placed in dialstrings by supplying a ``cleansed'' version of the dialstring.
A user-specified string that is intended for identification purposes. If this string is defined, it is returned to the user in notification messages.
The time to kill this job, expressed in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970.
The electronic mail address to which notification messages should be directed.
The maximum number of times the server should dial the phone. If the job cannot be completed in this number of calls, it is terminated.
The outgoing modem to use to send the facsimile, or ``any'' if any modem can be used.
A specification of whether the sender wants notification: whenever the job is requeued after a failed attempt to transmit (``when requeued''), when the job is completed (``when done''), or not at all (``none'').
The number of pages in the facsimile, including the cover page, that have been successfully transmitted.
The number of unsucessful attempts that have been made to transmit the current page.
The number of consecutive unsucessful attempts to establish carrier with the the destination facsimile machine.
The dialstring to use to call the destination facsimile machine.
A string used by the facsimile server during transmission. The string has one character for each page to be transmitted. ``M'' indicates there is another page to follow and that the page requires different T.30 session parameters be negotiated (an EOM code is to be transmitted). ``S'' indicates there is another page to follow, but the page uses the same session parameters (an MPS. code is to be transmitted). ``P'' indicates this is the last page to be transmitted (an EOP code is to be transmitted).
The desired page length in millimeters.
The desired page width in millimeters.
The value is a Caller Identification String (CIS) to use in making a polling request.
The value is a pathname to a file containing a PostScripttm document to send. Files must be owned by the fax user. Pathnames must be relative to the top of the FlexFAX spooling directory and not include ``..''.
The desired vertical resolution in lines per inch. This value should be either 98 or 196.
The ``full name'' of the sender of the facsimile.
The identifier returned by at(1) for the job that is to do a delayed submission (if any).
Status information about the current state of the job. Typically this is the reason why the last attempt to send the facsimile failed.
The value is a pathname to a file containing a TIFF Class F document to send. Files must be owned by the fax user. Pathnames must be relative to the top of the FlexFAX spooling directory and not include ``..''.
The total number of times the server has dialed the phone.
The time to send the facsimile. If this value is non-zero, it is number of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970. Otherwise, a value of 0 is interpreted to mean transmit immediately.


sendfax(1), faxd(1M), faxd.recv(1M)




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